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Agrentinian Grills - Asado

Why Is Asado Considered More than a Dish?
Asado is more than a dish because it is the heartbeat of Argentinian culture, embodying its social traditions, history, and world-renowned cuisine. Asado is synonymous with fine dining in Argentina, but asados are also the backbone of family gatherings and celebrations marked by long hours around the grill enjoying good food and fellowship. It is Argentina’s national dish, both because it is their unique delicacy and because it is the fire around which its people commune.

The word asado is a multifunctional term that describes the method of barbecuing meat in South America, the meat itself, and the social event associated with the meal. Much like American barbecue, asado has a unique cooking method, cultural traditions, and speciality sauces that accompany it. Whether you’re incorporating traditional Hispanic foods into your menu or catering a barbecue, asados are comprehensive experiences that will delight guests. From its grill to its cultural roots, read on to discover everything you need to know about asado so you can host and prepare your own.

Argentinian BBQ is known as asado. To create an authentic asado, you must educate yourself on essential Argentinian BBQ terms. Just like training your kitchen staff on common Spanish restaurant phrases creates an equitable environment, using the correct Spanish phrases when preparing and serving asado honours its mother culture. To cultivate authenticity, learn the top Argentinian BBQ terms below:

Asador - The asador is the main chef tasked with tracking the progress of each cut of meat. They must add more fuel to the fire and adjust the heat to accommodate each meat variety. The asador is sometimes referred to as the parrillero.
Parilla - The parilla is a unique grill designed for the asado BBQ method. It has two sections, the first contains coal or wood, and the second section houses the metal grill, known as la parilla.
Carne a La Parilla - The meats prepared on the parilla grill for an asado are known as carne a la parilla.
Con Lena - When the asador uses wood to make the cooking fire, it is called con lena.
Asado Criollo - The term Asado criollo describes rustic, traditional events where the meat is prepared with a wood fire and has a smokey flavour.

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